Webinar archive
J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot has become one of Hollywood’s hottest production companies in a relatively short time. From TV hits (Revolution, Person of Interest, LOST) to blockbuster films (Mission Impossible—Ghost Protocol, Super 8, Star Trek), the award-winning company is known for creating compelling, thought-provoking stories.
How do they do it?
Join host Matt Feury, pro video marketing manager at Avid, and the editorial, audio, and VFX teams at Bad Robot for a discussion on the innovative workflows the teams created to help them commandeer the story and action at warp speed for the upcoming movie, Star Trek into Darkness.
- See how concurrent collaboration enables the teams to create more inspired content faster
- Hear how the editors create full 5.1 temp audio mixes in Media Composer while they cut
- Gain insight into J.J.’s workflow and the special elements that he himself creates
- Take a peek at their unique workflow, featuring Media Composer, Pro Tools, and ISIS
- Get your questions answered by the Bad Robot team in a live Q&A